Friday 24 May 2013


Hello again everyone,

Long time, no post. As of Monday the 20th May, all my university work is officially FINISHED! Meaning...I can come off hiatus!

And what better way to throw myself back into the blogging world than with a celebration because...

Yes, you read that right folks, V's Book Life has officially been up and blogging for the past 2 years and what an amazing 2 years it has been!
I'd like to say a big thank you to all you folks who read my ramblings, I couldn't do this without you.
A big thank you as well to the lovely authors who have participated in my interrogations ..erm...interviews...over the past year, as well as those authors and publishers who have allowed me to read and review their hard work. It's been amazing to get to know you all.
And finally, to every author on the planet, I wouldn't be able to do this if you guys didn't write such amazing material for us readers to get stuck into.

Right, on with the fun part :)

I'm hosting a giveaway as a big thank you to all my followers and readers out there. All you guys have to do is fill in the form below and cross your fingers ;)

Here are the details;
The prize: your choice of ONE of the lovely new releases of 2013 as seen below! 
There will be one winner UNLESS I reach 400 followers. If that's the case I will add a second winner. I will add an additional winner for every milestone after as well, 500, 600 etc. Sound fair?
The contest closes at Midnight on the 24th June 2013 (EST) 
One last thing, the giveaway is International! long as the Book Depositary ships to you (click here for a list of countries).
Please read my Giveaway Policy BEFORE entering!

So to recap, that's a choice of one of the following;
Lover At Last by J.R. Ward
If I Should Die by Amy Plum
The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa
Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews
Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead
Dare You To by Katie McGarry
Oath Bound by Rachel Vincent
Hunted by Kevin Hearne
Dead Ever After by Charlaine Harris

Click on the links to read more from Goodreads. If the winner chooses a book from the list above that has not yet been released, I will pre-order it for you. Also I cannot guarantee the cover of your depends on where you live.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


miki said...

i have magic rises pre ordered so i would like Hunted by Kevin Hearnes fo continue teh series

thank you a lot and Happy Blogoversary!

Bryann James Almeda said...

Eternity Cure :D

Unknown said...

I would love to win Dare You To by Katy McGarry. Thanks for the giveaway!Happy 2 year Blogoversary to you! :))

Unknown said...

This is an amazing giveaway for sure!!! So many great books to choose from I am about to go into overload, LOL. Wowza. Thanks so much. BTW I love your layout with it's colors and header!!!

There are so many books to choose rom but I would have to say that IF I SHOULD DIE by Amy Plum will be my pick and I'll also name another in case you do have another winner and that one is taken. I would have to say GAMEBOARDS OF THE GODS sounds super interesting!!

DEAD EVER AFTER sounds great too but I have only ever read the SOOKIE STACKHOUSE novels by the same author. It sounds good but what do you think of it?

Anyway...thanks again for the are so generous!!!

Veronika said...

Happy Blogoversary!
I think I would choose Dare You To by Katie McGarry!

Texas Book Lover said...

Probably Game Board of the Gods or Eternity Cure because I will probably breakdown and get Dare You To when it comes out on Tuesday and I have already read a few of the others.

Congrats on 2 year!

Thanks so much!

DANIELA said...

Happy Blogoversary!
I'd like Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews.

DANIELA said...

I might also choose Dead Ever After or Lover At Last, I can't make up my mind!

Barbara E. said...

I'd love either Oath Bound or Hunted.

Penumbra said...

I'd like Hunted by Kevin Hearne please

Janhvi said...

Congratulations! 2 years is awesome!
I'd pick Lover At Last or Dare You To :)

Unknown said...

I'd like to win Hunted. ;)

Glam009 said...

Lover At Last or Dead ever after :)

Thanks for this giveaway :)

Jaedia @ The Dragon Chronicle said...

Probably Oath Bound or Dead Ever After, though I'd quite like to start getting hold of Kevin Hearne's and Ilona Andrews' series too!

RamblingsofanElfpire said...

I'd have to pick Magic Rises or the Eternity Cure, I've heard great things about both series and I'd love to give either of these books a read.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Unknown said...

I would love to win The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa because she's one of my favorite authors!

Thank you very much and Happy Blogoversary to you! :D

The Avid Reader said...

I would choose Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead if I won. Congrats on 2 year blogoversary. Thanks for the giveaway.

Ashfa said...

Happy Blogoversary!!I'd love The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa.

Unknown said...

If I Should Die by Amy Plum
Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews
mmmm hard choice thanks for the giveaway
almendra in the rafflecopter

Aye said...

i would like Dare To You by Katie McGarry!! Thank you for this giveaway, and happy blogoverary!!

Julie R said...

I would pick If I Should Die or Dead Ever After.

Unknown said...

Happy happy blogoversary! I would really love to win The Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead.

Aly C. said...

Happy anniversary! I'd pick Dare You To!!

alyssaxchen14 AT gmail DOT com

Meghan said...

Happy Blogoversary! I would love to win Dare You To. I've been DYING to read that book!
mestith at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Congrats on your two years of blogging!! :) My pick is Dare To You.

Vikki said...

Hey guys,
Glad you're all enjoying my blogoversary giveaway!

Thank you for all the lovely comments! Don't forget you can tweet each day and earn extra entries :)

Vikki xxx

Tierney Clement said...

Either Dare You To or The Eternity Cure.

Unknown said...

thanks for the giveaway, conrats on the bloagoversary. I would choose if i should die by amy plum

♡♥♬ Carolsue ♡♥♬ said...

Happy Blogiversary! I would definiely choose Dead Ever After!
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

My Book Reads said...

i would love to have the dare to you book

Szappanbubi said...

Happy bookish anniversary!

I would like Dead ever after- loveeee these series!


Unknown said...

The Eternity Cure.

Unknown said...

If I should die:)

Congrats on the blogoversary!

Unknown said...

I would definitely choose Dare You To. :)

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