Ok, as you may have guessed, the purpose of this blog is that I review books. At the moment I'm mainly reviewing those I have bought myself for my reading pleasure and believe me there are a lot of them! Thank goodness for charity shops or I'd be completely broke, as it is I'm only on the verge, being a full time student will do that to you I guess. I mainly own/review Young Adult and Adult Paranormal Romance, Urban/Dark Fantasy and sometimes I try my hand at Science Fiction so I'm sorry if I don't cover the genre you prefer to read. The reviews will be my own opinion and I don't mean to cause any offence, though I will be honest.
The main reason I started doing this is because I just love to read! Well.. that and it was a good incentive to get to some of the books in my 'to be read' pile. I'm going to aim to review at least 1 book a week, however if you don't hear from me in a while, I'm probably buried under a stack of books that have fallen off my shelves...it's happened before!
Oh, and one other thing. I really suck at anything computer based so there will not be a lot of fancy graphics, backgrounds or anything like that...unless I get professional help ;) I apologise but it's just not something I even remotely understand.
A little about me... Well I'm Vikki (a.k.a. V) I am a student for now, reading for fun in what little time I have spare...which is not all that much considering I'm training to be a Nurse. I am 21 years old, no longer a teenager! And one other thing is that I live in the UK. Yep I'm British. Up until early 2012 my favourite thing to do in my spare time was to head into town, go straight to Brew tea bar, order an iced Savannah Honey Breeze (basically sweetea, fresh lemon juice and honey) and sit there for hours on end with my current book...then disaster struck! BREW CLOSED!!! I was lost...where could I read now and get a lovely cuppa at the same time?! Thankfully Cafe Nero came to my rescue, I still mourn my beloved Brew but at least I can still get a good cup of tea :)
Alrighty then, hope my reviews are helpful, I know I enjoyed reading these books.
If you wish to contact me e-mail: vbooklife@hotmail.co.uk.