Hello everyone, hope you have had a great Christmas! I actually turned 21 on Christmas Eve so double celebrations were had in my household. Now, I've decided to do a run down of some of my favourite books, characters and series of 2012, starting today with my top 10 new series of 2012. These are series' I began this year, though they may have been published before then. Oh and I'm not including any series that only has one book released so far...they'll come under the Favourite books of 2012 post ;) Let's get started!
10) The Grey Wolves Series - Quinn Loftis
It started out when I was offered the opportunity to review of Just One Drop (book 3) and spiralled out of control from there. I had to read the entire series! I love the characters Quinn writes, they are so full of life and humour - you all know I love a good sarcastic character but Jen is something else! Quinn is so lovely too, she was happy to my answer my questions and I can't wait to read the next instalment Book 1 is PRINCE OF WOLVES.
9) Sentinels of New Orleans - Suzanne Johnson
Love this new series! Starting with ROYAL STREET, this series really delivers. Murder, mystery and magic - a wonderful trio of elements. Set in a post Katrina New Orleans where wizards are struggling to maintain the borders keeping the historical dead out of their world, this series is just amazing. I loved the originality of the historical undead and their world as well as the wealth of description coming from Suzanne Johnson's experiences as a Katrina survivor. Book 1 is ROYAL STREET!
8) Mythos Academy series - Jennifer Estep
The first series by Jennifer Estep in this list is her fantastic YA Mythos Academy. Centred around a psychometric teenager named Gwen Frost, Mythos academy is a great series full of action and intrigue I discovered Ms Estep's work in 2012 and she has fast moved up my favourite author list. I've got book 4, CRIMSON FROST ready and waiting to be read. I've even bought my little sister the first book TOUCH OF FROST for Christmas.

I have one word for you. Dragos. That is what kept me interested in this series. I have enjoyed it so far and now that we have finally returned to Dragos and Pia in book 5 (LORD'S FALL) I can breathe easy again having had my fix. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed books 2, 3, and 4, especially book 2 (Storm's Heart) but I couldn't help wanting my powerful lord of the Wyr back. Dominant and ruthless this dragon can only be tamed by his adoring mate Pia. But Pia won't be pushed around, oh no, this girl's got attitude! Thea Harrison's work is awesome, end of story. I can't wait to see what happens next! Book 1 is DRAGON BOUND!
6) Cal Leandros Series - Rob Thurman
I stumbled across this series by chance earlier this year when NIGHTLIFE was reduced to 99p on Amazon for kindle. Little did I know that I was about to become addicted and devour all 7 books in a matter of weeks. Following the half Auphe, half human Cal Leandros and his brother Niko, the Cal Leandros series is a work of pure genius. I love the brother's relationship! Cal is the quirky younger brother with an ace sense of humour and Niko...is...well...Niko. Protective and loyal to the core, Niko is the kind of brother you would be proud to have, that is until he kicks your ass in training or decapitates you with his katana for daring to go after his precious baby brother. All in all, an amazing and fun read. I cant wait until book 8 is released in the UK so I can devour this one too! Book 1 is NIGHTLIFE!

Oh my lord, this series blew my mind. Book one was amazing, I didn't think anything could beat it...and then I read book 2. I'm in love :) Darian is unique, sarcastic and completely stubborn...especially when it comes to a certain Shaede King, and her training instructor. Oh, and did I mention the Jinn? Or the ex lover who made Darian a Shaede and then disappeared mysteriously? Needless to say I love the complex relationship dynamics in both books and seriously cannot wait until book 3 is released in 2013! I foresee a reading frenzy when CRAVE THE DARKNESS is released. Book 1 is SHAEDES OF GRAY...seriously...go get it!
4) Iron Druid Chronicles - Kevin Hearne
The story of a 2000 year old Druid and his talking Irish Wolfhound. Do I really need to explain why this is awesome? Oh all right then...Atticus O'Sullivan may look 21 years old, but he's actually 21 centuries old! Hanging out with shifters, vampires and sometimes a deity or two...Atticus is not short of friends, or enemies. Quick witted, intelligent and rather powerful...Atticus is the last of his kind. Yet, people just seem to keep trying to make the Druids an extinct species! An amazing world combining many different mythologies, the Iron Druid Chronicles are a must read for any Urban Fantasy fan. I have book 5 TRICKED in my Birthday Gift pile just waiting to be read. Book 1 is HOUNDED!

I know I came to the Night Huntress party a little late but what can I say, I've made up for it since then! I've devoured all of Jeaniene's Night Huntress books, as well as the spin-off series and the individual books on Spade and Mencheres. A 250 year old British Vampire named Bones and a half vampire, half human Cat Crawford are the two leading lights in this series. Together they kick all manner of evil vampire butt and have fun *waggles eyebrows* along the way. Seriously hot stuff is contained within these pages...not to mention the infamous Chapter 32! Bones will always be king of the mountain in my eyes, and only one other alpha male stands any chance of taking him on (unfortunately, that's a different series so the battle to end all speculation seems unlikely)...I love every minute and can't wait for the next instalment Book 1 is HALFWAY TO THE GRAVE!
2) Elemental Assassin Series - Jennifer Estep
Now, I don't know how many of you attended Vampire Book Club's 2012 Alpha Showdown but I championed a certain Gin Blanco (aka. The Spider) during the amazing contest. Unfortunately Gin and I were defeated in a close battle with Dmitri from Nalini Singh's epic Guild Hunter Series, but I still believe in my girl all the way! This is Jennifer Estep's 2nd appearance into my Top 10 and I love the Elemental Assassin Series to death! Gin has been a bad ass assassin since she was 12 years old, not only does she have wicked knife skills but enormous elemental magic to boot! The strongest elemental ever born you do not want to mess with the Spider...for once she has you in her web, you'll never be seen alive again! After the exciting events of WIDOW'S WEB, I can't wait to see where Gin will end up next...and if she and Owen can repair the damage wrought.

My newest and greatest love! I know, I know, I'm really late to the Dresden party...but I brought cookies! Anyway, Harry Dresden Chicago's only professionally wizard...he's in the phone book and everything! An investigator who has a knack for finding himself neck deep in the worst magical shit possible, Harry is an amazingly well defined character. Again, he's super funny. His retorts, especially to his enemies and the White Council crack me up every time. He may lack skill, but in the brute force department, not many can rival our Harry. But investigating magical occurrences will set of a huge chain reaction no-one could have predicted, and just when you think you have things all figured out, Jim Butcher takes you in a completely different direction. This world is beautifully crafted and I can't wait to finish the series...I'm currently on book 8 of 14! What else can I say except ...'Magic - it can get a guy killed.' Book 1 is STORM FRONT!
All righty then folks, my first Top 10 rundown is complete. What would make your Top 10? Check back tomorrow when I'll be naming my Top 10 Heroines of 2012 :)
See you later!